Denver Family Photographer captures family sitting on blanket together at sunset

How To Prepare Your Family for Family Photos Denver

As a Denver family photographer, I know how hard it can be to get everyone excited about family photos Denver. While it may be an event that becomes a chore, the photos afterward are always so worth it! The magic of capturing your children’s first steps, chubby fingers, and toothless grins are moments you won’t get back. When your kids are grown and out of the house, you can pull out the photo album and return to a simpler time. I am the biggest advocate for prioritizing your memories and creating your family’s legacy in color.

Denver Family Photographer captures mom and dad playing with son

Let Them Be Little During Family Photos Denver

While this may be easier said than done, which photos will make you smile in 15 years? The ones where your kids are standing together smiling after a screaming match (because you’ll remember), or the candid photos capturing your children laughing and playing together? Let them be little. The amount of time they can get away with playing in the dirt, chasing butterflies, and playing games together is so short. I promise the photos will become a treasure to you and one you won’t ever want to let go of. The innocence and pure happiness you’ll see in those photos will be pure magic.

Make It An Exciting Event

We often get so stressed with planning the session and figuring out outfits and locations that we forget this is supposed to be fun! Include your kids in getting ready, maybe let your daughter where her favorite shoes for a few pictures, or talk to them about exploring a new place. Making it an adventure will make the session much more enjoyable.

Denver Family Photographer captures father holding baby in air

Let Your Denver Family Photographer Lead

As a Denver family photographer, I’ve been blessed to work with incredible families and the cutest kids! This has given me tons of experience in making things run smoothly and getting the photos that matter most. Allow yourself to enjoy the session experience, truly be with your family, and let me lead. I’ll be able to pose and direct everyone as needed while ensuring we capture the most critical moments. I’ve found that kids are likelier to listen to anyone but their parents, which works in your favor here!

Denver Family Photographer captures mother holding child during outdoor family photos Denver

Make Sure Your Partner is On Board During Family Photos Denver

When planning your family portraits between juggling the kids and getting everyone to show up on time, ensure your partner is on board. If your partner is also dragging their feet about the session, things can be much more difficult! However, if you and your partner are both excited and on board with photos, you’ll be stronger together and able to accomplish things much more manageable. It’s a perfect way to get the most out of your session.

Denver Family Photographer captures baby sitting on blanket

No matter what happens, I know your family session will be beautiful! Don’t let yourself stress out, and enjoy the process.

Ready to meet your dream Denver family photographer? Reach out today!

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